This Aerospace Academy is where we will see the next generation of the upper echelon. That shortage is felt from entry level machining all the way to the highest level of precision manufacturing. It is well known that we are suffering from a lack of skilled workers in the manufacturing industry. “There is no organisation better suited to create this material than Titans of CNC. “We are inspired by this next step with Titans of CNC and the partnership with the Aerospace Academy,” said Meghan West, president, CNC Software. We are proud to have Mastercam as a key partner in making this a reality.” The Aerospace Academy is the next level of CNC education that will make a huge impact through the entire industry.

“Just as our real-part inspired projects challenge users even at the highest level of programming, Mastercam is the greatest software, jam-packed with all of the tools manufacturers need to compete across all industries and meet the tough challenges and ITAR requirements. “When we set out to build the game-changing Aerospace Academy, we knew from the outset that Mastercam was the only choice for a high-level CAM partner,” said Gilroy.